Roseroot Dental
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      Dental Crowns and Bridges for Patients in Des Plaines, Mount Prospect, IL & Beyond 

      Dental crowns are a great option for those who have broken, decaying, or chipped tooth that is hurting their smile. Crowns are typically porcelain and created by taking a custom mold of a tooth that is cracked, broken, or decaying. The mold will then be taken to a lab to be turned into a crown. This crown will then be cemented into place to be a permanent replacement for a broken or decaying tooth.

      If you are sensative about the appearance of your smile, you don't have to deal with that any longer. At Roseroot Dental, we are proud to offer patients in Des Plaines, Mount Prospect, IL, and the surrounding areas with beautiful and natural-looking dental crowns.

      Contact our local dentist office for more information and book an appointment online!


      Dental bridges are an appealing solution for those with missing teeth. These are custom-made prosthetics that are held in place by either a dental crown, dental implant, or dental bonding. Bridges give you a natural-looking replacement for missing teeth. Strangers won’t even notice that these aren’t real teeth!

      Call Roseroot Dental today to ask about dental crowns and bridges and schedule an appointment with us for the best results. 

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